Monday, May 2, 2016

The Immovable Fuzzy Lump(s)

It's time for bed.  You're tired.  You crawl under the covers and your body relaxes as you contemplate sleep.  You start to drift off when you feel a "thump" as your cat jumps up on the bed.  Temporarily startled, your brain grasps what has happened, and you begin to drift off again.  Meanwhile, your cat decides that sleeping on top of your semi-lifeless form is a great idea.  For him this warm mass under the covers is a welcome place to rest for the night.  So up he climbs onto your body.  In your hazy unconscious state you turn to reduce or eliminate this weight that is bearing down on you.  However, as you roll, so does this lump.  It's like he's a great barrel rolling expert.  No matter how you move so does he. He's always on you, no matter what.  Then, in frustration, you begin to push, kick and shake the covers in an attempt to move him off of you.  All this does is turn him into a living Velcro ball. He sticks to you like glue.  His fuzzy body bounces up and down while his claws hang on.  He doesn't move.  Several more attempts to get him to move prove futile.  Finally you give up destined to live with this fuzzy lump on top of your body for the rest of the night. The cat sleeps well, but so much for your restful night.

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