Friday, September 27, 2019

Cats Know Their Names (Duh!)

There are animal critics who say cats are so independent that they don't socialize like dogs and they don't know their names when called.  I've owned cats my whole life, and believe me, they DO know their names, they are social and they are very smart, albeit sneaky, conniving, mischievous and plan-worthy.  This recent article on highlights a study that was done that backs these comments.  Check out the full article. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Grandpa Mason

Grandpa Mason, a Canadian feral cat, loved kittens.  He took care of them, trained them, cleaned them and played with them. When his owners thought his feral behavior and inability to get close to him meant he'd never be happy, the adoption of a litter of orphaned kittens broke his wariness.  The kittens, crawling all over him, filled him with joy.  From then on, kittens were his saving grace.  Last week, due to serious health issues and a declining quality of life, Grandpa Mason has to be euthanized.  For those who knew him, it was a tremendously sad day.  But the joy he brought them and his love for other felines is his legacy.  Read the full article from